Hi Folks
So what have I been up to, well last night I went to Spinnning Weal in Clevedon again (my 2nd time) and thank goodness I did.
Prior to that I had spent 5 hours at Southmead Hospital seeing 2 doctors. It seemed to go on for ever and by 5pm when my transport finally turned up, I hadn't eaten or drunk anything for 9 hours - yep I was very hungry tired and fed up and panicking because I had to be home by quarter past five for my lift to Clevedon (courtesy of the Fabulous Anj P.) The taxi driver was rather yummy and managed to get me home in time-just.
Yet another great night at the Spinning Weal, it gave me a chance to chill out and spin in the company of some lovely people. So with cheese and tomato rolls (provided for me by my DH) and Dave's tea, life returned to normal.
We are having our main meeting of the month for SpinDyeWeavers on this Saturday and next Saturday we are off to Wonderwool, I can't wait.
We did sort of promise Dave last night that we would have a group photo taken of us at Wonderwool displaying our Violet Spinning Weal Bags, I'm sure that we can.
I had a good go at my Timbertops wheel which sits in the hallway looking beautiful. I gave it a good clean and oil, so I think I will use it to spin up my last dye job "Fire Glow" as I haven't used it for a long time. Other than that I must continue spinning my 'yellow stuff' as their is loads of it. It has gained an admirer (we won't say who on here) but suffice to say this person wants my wool and wants it preferably ready spun. Gonna keep a close eye on my stash in future.
Week 2 of the general election and I'm sick of it already. When will they understand, that I'm a grown up now and I'm quite capable of making my own mind up, without them mailing me in person or slagging each other off on the tele'.
My poor huzbear has hurt his back and is unwell - lucky for him he has a disabled nurse to look after him LOL.
That' all folks
Speak soon