
It's the boys - woofnwooly

Sunday 30 January 2011

OOOH I forgot!

I meant to thank Rosemary who brought along some Quivit (Muskox Down, she had some varying bags, one of down that had been taken off the fences in Alaska and some that had been shorn. Personally I would go for the off the fence stuff as it was soft and fluffy with little guard hair. The shorn stuff was as it came off the beast complete with guard hairs which are very prickly and thick. We had a go at dehairing which wasn't too bad and I also carded some on my cotton cards to produce a soft fluffy but short rolag. The hair did ensure a lot of fun with the first comment being it was very 'pubic'. The ensuing jokes and comments from that went on for ages and led us to some in-depth discussions, which I won't publish on here.
Anj has taken a small bag of the 'hairy stuff' home to have a go with. me I'm just glad I've managed to handle Quivit which is something I've wanted to do for ages.
Byee :0)

Our first main meeting of the new year

Hi Folks
Yesterday we had our first main meeting of the year and it was really good. The members of SpinDyeWeavers are great people turning up on a freezing morning to sit and spin,dye and chew the fat. Rosemary who lives nearer to Cheddar than Bristol came along and showed us what a demon dyer she is, creating great colour combinations. I dyed a modest amount of Falkland roving in the colours of 'Spring is Sprung', (yellows and greens)to those who haven't seen my previous posts, and this is to be inserted into my current weaving project. I brought it down to show my feeble attempt so far but was encouraged by my peers who liked the differing textures using 'pick-up' sticks.
Thank you to the wonderful Anj who gave me an idea as to what to do with the Wensly/Merino that has taken me an age to spin and ply from the fleece. I have about 800 yards of soft bulky yarn and she suggested dying it and weaving a blanket for the car, so that's what I'm gonna do.
I had hoped the wool picker would have been here ready for us to gawp at and have a go with, but it wasn't. I received a messaged from the maker to say it will be here within the next 2 days. Well at least it will be here this month, ready for the mid Feb meeting.
Well that's about all for now, I'm gonna go and make the lunch for today Pork Loin Steaks with our fave veggie the Butternut Squash.
Take care folks
Keith x

Thursday 13 January 2011


Hi Folks

Yes it's me, I'm still here and yet again I've repeated myself by starting a blog and not keeping it up. The last time I had a message from someone and didn't know it was there for a year - BAD BOY!

SO! will I get it right this time? Well I'm not promising anything, but I will do my best to try and say something at least once a month. My life isn't that exciting to be able to chat away every day with something new to excite people with and I tend not to rant about day to day things as others often do. Yes I do get a bit uppity about things that go on in the world, but I usually keep my uppity bits to myself unless I'm well angry and then you can look out....

OK, what's happening at the moment at chez nous in Lawrence Hill Bristol. Well I went and had an operation just before Christmas, all went well with no major problems so far, and Christmas went OK too. We had our usual quiet, no fuss,and relaxing time which for me is the way it should be now.
Due to the weather and me not being allowed to drive, everybody received their presents by post and they arrived on time. Suffice to say the grandsons were happy with their video games Call of Duty Black Ops and Mario(the latest one) plus stocking fillers. My daughter was given Kylie's Sexy Darling perfume (by me) and it's very nice apparently, in fact it was worthy of being worn that day to a party, (well you never know how things are going to smell on some people, many years ago I gave my then wife some Charlie perfume which was very popular at the time and meant to be very good, but on her it smelt like the local Tomcat had just passed throught the house making his mark on everything)!!! SEE you just can't tell.....
My darling huzbear bought me a stand for my new loom and then surprized me with an Ipod Touch. Very naughty of him, but it is nice.

What's happening in my craft world???

Well I bought myself a Kromski Harp Loom all 32" of it. I decided that not being the world's best and most prolofic knitter is a bit of a problem when you have loads of handspun yarm slowly taking over the bedroom. So I have my loom and as I said before Andy bought me the stand for it. It is now fully warped up with some 4ply Merino superwash yarn and I'm going to weave (hopefully) a baby blanket using my "Spring has Sprung" merino yarm dyed in daffodil colours. Wish me luck coz I'm gonna need it!