
It's the boys - woofnwooly

Sunday 30 January 2011

OOOH I forgot!

I meant to thank Rosemary who brought along some Quivit (Muskox Down, she had some varying bags, one of down that had been taken off the fences in Alaska and some that had been shorn. Personally I would go for the off the fence stuff as it was soft and fluffy with little guard hair. The shorn stuff was as it came off the beast complete with guard hairs which are very prickly and thick. We had a go at dehairing which wasn't too bad and I also carded some on my cotton cards to produce a soft fluffy but short rolag. The hair did ensure a lot of fun with the first comment being it was very 'pubic'. The ensuing jokes and comments from that went on for ages and led us to some in-depth discussions, which I won't publish on here.
Anj has taken a small bag of the 'hairy stuff' home to have a go with. me I'm just glad I've managed to handle Quivit which is something I've wanted to do for ages.
Byee :0)

1 comment:

  1. oooh... Quivit...huggles and so wish I could have been there... Still I am sure at some point we will be in one location...

