
It's the boys - woofnwooly

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Oh dear what can the matter be?????

Hi Folks

Well, thank goodness my DH Andy has his own Pc, mine is having great difficulties.
It all satrted last week when I tried tomdownload the latest version of Pc Guard (virgins own anitvirus/firewall etc:) It is very good and free to virgin members. It would not download properly and then all hell was let loose with other things going wrong aaarrrrggghhhhh!!!!
I have another firewall and antivirus prog to cover me but my poor old Pc just doesn't want to play properly. Looks like it's gonna have to got to hospital and be seen by the experts. Still I am able to use Andy's
Pc to keep up with things. So if I'm slow in responding to emails and other requests I'm sorry.



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