
It's the boys - woofnwooly

Monday, 15 February 2010

Hi Folks

Well it's Monday again and this time I've managed to get through the washing cleaning, without doing a treble salko and a dying duck and hitting the floor - hooray!.

What a lovely afternoon we had on Saturday, spinners doing their thing, in a relaxed, happy atmosphere, enjoying each other's company and having a good natter.
Tracy, having some problems with the spinning wheel is now getting to grips with a spindle, Chris was patiently plowing through her camel mix. Nina was ablaze with her Blaze tops - a striking colour mix. Shani was whizzing through her stash at a rate of knots - what ratio was she using?? Gill finished her yarn, and gave us a masterclass on how to Navajo Ply and then skein from your bobbin using you hands only. I tackled the merino/bamboo and Rosie sat and spun with a serene smile that would outdo the Madonna any day. As usual time flys by when you having fun and all to soon it was time to pack up. In fact the whole day whizzed by and I was amazed to find the late evening arrive so soon. Yesterday I completed spinning the merino/bamboo and will have a bash at the Navajo plying.
Andy's Xbox has crashed again for the umpteenth time and we are off to Argos to take up their offer. Speak soon.

Keith x

1 comment:

  1. I think I was spinning 8:1 - with turbo-powered chatting assistance... :-)

    What a lovely afternoon... really felt happy when I went home and was pleased that I had achieved - SOMETHING...
