Well I've been spinning like a good'un this week trying to reduce the stash of un- spun goodies. I started with spinning my Cormo and California Red in the grease to make some samples for my folder ( I'll spin the rest later to make a small amount of yarn of each for use in something). I have almost finished the Portland which I bought @ the Spinning Weal and next I must tackle the English 56's that we dyed and I called Hartland Moor We have an ad hoc meeting this weekend, so we know what I'll be doing then don't we. I have spun and plied the batts I won in an earlier raffle, I've called it Autumn Heath and it is the pic shown.
Oh! the budgies decided they don't want to have babies at the moment (despite me providing them with a top class nest box), so they are all back in the one cage and the bitching goes on. I think Reggie is trying to show Ronnie who is boss as she is sick of being bullied by Ronnie. Poor old Charlie, he just keeps out of the way ( if he can).
Our outdoors birdies (Robins and Blue Tits)are still coming round for food and in this colder snap are noshing like piggies. I noticed a large group of Goldfinches playing in the tree outside the front window. Well I say playing it was more a case of 'who gets the girl' 4 boys trying hard to attract 1 girl.
Well that's all for now folks
Speak soon
this is beautiful keith - very tactile...:-)